There are Tons of ways to make money on Prize Live:
1)Filling out Offers.
- There are many different types of offers to complete, and Prize Live tells how long it typically takes to for the offer to credit and when the last time it credited was. Make sure to check out our tips for getting offers to credit.
2) Playing games
- There are mini games you can play vs other members and the winner gets 18 cents each time.
- There are also monthly tournaments where the players with the highest 3 scores get paid $5, $3, and $1
3)Monthly Lottery
- There is a monthly lottery that increase each time more offers are completed (it is typically $350+). For every offer you fill out you get a ticket. There are around 20 different daily pay to click offers that only take 5 minutes to complete all of them and you get a lottery ticket for each one. That's 600 lottery tickets each month just from those alone!
- WEEKLY OFFERS CONTEST. This is a contest to see who can do the most offers that week. 1st place gets $70, 2nd gets $40, 3rd gets $20, etc
-MONTHLY REFFERALS CONTEST. This is a contest to see who has the most active referrals and the 1st place winner gets $50, 2nd gets $25, 3rd gets $10, etc
-Other contests: There are also contests for most active forum member, most popular member and more.
5)Owning an Offer. You can pick any offer on the Prize Live (that isn't owned by another member) and pay a fee (usually around 15 to 30 cents), and for 1 week you will make money each time that offer is completed by another member. You typically make around 3 to 5 cents per completion.